Collective Intelligence as part of TRAME DELL’INTELLETTO / REPAIR-A-THON


27-29 October from 10-18h Dimora OZ, Via Sant'Agostino 31
27 October from 19-20h Collective Intelligence - Garraffello Square

Trame dell’Intelleto:
Gandolfo Gabriele David, Daniele Di Luca, Barbara Cammarata + Analogique, Stefan Bressel, Loredana Grasso, Grazia Inserillo, Rosa Mundi.

The Collective Intelligence group participates to Repair-a-thon
Giuseppe Lomeo, Timo Tuhkanen, Egle Oddo, Johanna Fredriksson, Milla Martikainen, Marjatta Oja, Erika De Martino, Antti Ahonen, Alan Bulfin, Krisjanis Rijnieks, Saša Nemec, Jytte Hill, Ionas Amelung.

For the closure of the Vie dei Tesori and the inauguration of the Vestino, Dimora Oz presents a selection of artists and works related to textiles. The medium of the fabric becomes a metaphor of aesthetics and design. Gandolfo Gabriele David, Barbara Cammarata + Analogique, Rosa Mundi and Stefan Bressel use the textile as a medium to develop directions and themes related to the affirmation and the interchange of identity, where personal history is capable of embracing a more choral social fabric. Still in regard to identity, the organic roots of Grazia Inserillo dialogue with the biological patterns of Loredana Grasso and Daniele Di Luca, through reliefs and embroidery formalising an internal flora and landscape.

The Collective Intelligence project is a residence open for artists, cultural operators and activists. Saša Nemec, a participant in the project, starting from the broad concept of repair will open with the Clothes Repair-a-thon, a participatory and free event. The artist invites citizens and audiences to bring the clothes to be repaired, mended and up-cycled at Dimora Oz, from 10 - 17 h. Starting from this suggestion, Giuseppe Lomeo and Timo Tuhkanen will perform a live sound performance, which will continue with the extemporaneous and collective happening, realised with the contribution of Egle Oddo, Johanna Fredriksson, Milla Martikainen, Marjatta Oja, Erika De Martino, Antti Ahonen, Alan Bulfin and Krisjanis Rijnieks, with an open public form at Piazza Garraffello from 18 - 20 h.

Vestino is an annual city festival, organised by the Consorzio Arca, with the community of CreativeWear Hub in Palermo. The other Vestino projects will be open at the CRE.ZI PLUS premises at the Zisa Cultural Heritage Sites and with exhibitions of fashion design (clothing, haberdasheries, textiles shops, etc.) in addition to collective workshops with contributions and works from creative communities of Valencia, Ljubljana, Athens and Prato, partner of the CreativeWear Project.

Dimora Oz is a curatorial-artistic group of trans-medial and relational research. The site of the project is in the ancient Palazzo Barlotta Principi di San Giuseppe, in the heart of the Sant'Agostino open market. Dimora Oz is a collective project formed by several artists and supported by numerous cultural operators including Roberto Bilotti Ruggi d'Aragona. At the heart of the project is the sharing of capabilities, networks and objectives.

The Collective Intelligence group works under the patronage of the Central Arts Council of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

For appointments and visits: 0039 3408966376

The Trame dell'Intelletto is produced by Dimora OZ, CreativeWear Palermo HUB and the Collective Intelligence


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